The relaunch of Sustain Everyone is exploring how marginalized communities share the disproportionate number of environmental burdens that contribute to poor health conditions and exposure to more pollution. This exploration will look at how racism, on all levels, created and upholds segregation of black and white communities (particularly in the food system, education, and housing), widening disparities among people, and thwarting mutual interest of environmental and social wellbeing.

This blog formally aimed to shed light on the operations of our conventional food system, to explore new techniques for sustainable food production, and to establish a pathway for creating a more ecologically friendly food economy. I believe experiences are what teach us the most in life, and we do not just have our own experiences to learn from. As human beings, we can pass down information to each other about our experiences over multiple generations. My intention with this blog is to share my stories about food and the environment to try to find the best solution to the ecological and social problems we face today. To do this, we must examine the way we produce and consume our food.

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